
Our focus

This is perhaps the most successful and longstanding aspect of out work. Two of the trustees are health visitors in the U.K. and have developed a programme of health education in schools which runs alongside the existing Ugandan programme. When we visit Mityana much of our time is spent teaching basic personal health promotion (eg. handwashing and dental health) in local school. In order to ensure this programme is sustainable we have had the resources printed (using Ugandan printers) and have begun to teach teachers to deliver the programme.

Alongside delivering the lesson we give each child a pack containing a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap so they can practice the messages we have given. We call this area of work “Beat the Bugs, Stay Healthy”.

Beat the Bugs is an Educational Programme which incorporates the teaching of all ages of the community in a variety of different settings. It covers everything from basic personal hygiene to protecting oneself against all types of communicable diseases. Skills are taught in subjects such as Nutrition, First Aid, and basic cooking.

Other elements of the programme concentrate on providing better facilities for children and their families with HIV/AIDs such as improving school premises with water and toilets on site, teachers and resources. The programme works with the local hospital and health department providing valuable equipment and updating healthcare staff in infection control best practices. A mobilisation service has been started to encourage immunisation.

We are working with the Ugandan Department of Health and Education to monitor and evaluate this program so that they can be extended throughout Uganda.

Healthy Living affects us all but changing an adults lifestyle is difficult and as a result has little impact upon the overall health of a nation. However teaching children how to look after themselves encourages a powerful change in cultural attitudes which will influence their habits in later life.

The health messages delivered by the “Beat the Bugs” programme will lead to the prevention of many illnesses such as dental decay, malnutrition, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases that are spread by poor hygiene such as food poisoning.

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